Priority 1 for the Recovery: Your People
Posted on June 23, 2021You can feel the pace quickening. Businesses are re-opening, companies are making plans for the recovery and everyone is hoping for a return to normal – except that it won’t be the normal we knew.
With all the rapid adjustments made due to a pandemic that has lasted for more than a year, the recovery will take time and not everything will be the same. Employees have discovered the benefits (and drawbacks) of working from home. New procedures and routines have been adopted permanently and customers now expect a different standard of service.
To help leaders prepare for the return to a “new normal”, Schulich ExecEd is holding a series of five, two-hour virtual classroom sessions, titled Building Back Better: A Leadership Bootcamp for a Sustainable Recovery. The program aims to to deliver essential skills that will help you navigate the challenge ahead.
In this video, Jordan Berman, Global VP Corporate Affairs, Business Transformation and Strategy with Apotex, talks about his session, “Driving Success with A Dynamic Post-Pandemic Workforce”. Together with his colleague Joanne Campbell, senior vice-president & CHRO, Global Human Resources at Apotex, he will share best practices and ideas for bringing employees back into a changed work environment, ready to excel.
Building Back Better: A Leadership Bootcamp for a Sustainable Recovery runs Aug. 23-27, 2021, 8-10am. For more information on the series and to register, visit the program website.