Marie-Hélène Budworth
Marie-Hélène Budworth researches and teaches in the areas of individual development and learning. She holds a PhD is in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, a Master’s in Counselling Psychology, and a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology. Her early work in psychology and natural science guides her work and her approach to research. Her current research program is focussed on development and interpersonal interactions within the context of work. She is interested in how people learn, acquire knowledge, make choices, and negotiate with one another in order to succeed. She believes that learning and development are socially constructed and, therefore, looks at the individuals and networks that surround people as a way of understanding conditions for success. She also examines the value of psychologically based interventions for enhancing and promoting development within systematically disadvantaged populations. She is particularly interested in how people succeed when faced with systemic barriers such as discrimination and bias. She is currently serving an Associate Editor at the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences and sits on the editorial boards of Organizational Dynamics, Human Resources Management Review, Human Resource Development Quarterly.