Masters Certificate in Project Management to be Offered Online Across Canada
Posted on June 17, 2020
David Barrett, National Program Director for the Masters Certificate in Project Management is pleased to announce that the fall 2020 session of the program will be running online in the virtual classroom, with multiple sessions across Canada to accommodate delivery by our University Executive Education Network Partners.
Hear more about the program and its new format in the following video where David discusses the fact that the program facilitators quickly learned to replicate the in-person experience in a virtual format, and converted and delivered more than 60 modules of the session that was running when the pandemic hit.
This popular 18-day program, consisting of nine different modules, provides the toolkit participants need to become great project managers. Learning is practised and reinforced through an advanced project simulation and the program delivers outstanding ROI back to organizations and individuals. The new online experience is interactive, engaging and fun!
Participants’ reactions to the Virtual Classroom were positive but perhaps the most remarkable aspect of their response to post-program surveys was that it mostly focused on the content and not the mode of delivery. Above all it was the new skills that they were acquiring that impressed.
Each session of the program has been redesigned to take advantage of the benefits of online delivery and virtual interaction and the participants did appreciate the change. Here are some examples of their comments:
“I liked how well organized it was. The exercises were in a package format reducing navigating to multiple files back and forth. The instructor was engaging, and the group work helped teach the material.”
“The negotiation exercises done in [virtual] break-out sessions. And the fact that presentation was aligned with PMP module at the same time. It was not cut copy paste kind of presentation. Really engaging.”
“The facilitator was thorough and calmly explained all the key points in a clear manner. He answered all of our questions and explained things in a manner that was clearly understood. He made good use of the whiteboard and the quizzes and breakout sessions.”
“I liked the polls. The work was well integrated, and the instructor was very knowledgeable.”
“The instructor was very engaging and flexible with online classes.”
The next Toronto session of the Masters Certificate in Project Management starts Sept. 17. For more information, attend the next free monthly online information session hosted by David, on Wednesday, July 15, 1-2pm.