Marion Howell
Communication, Healthcare
Since 2006, Marion Howell has led the leadership development coaching and cultural transformation projects at the Iris Group. Marion is kind and direct, she is emotionally intelligent, and she has the ability to quickly notice clients’ self-imposed blocks and barriers that may hold them back from their peak performance. Marion’s coaching approach integrates the clients’ context and objectives with best models and scholarship in the areas of leadership development and organizational effectiveness. With Marion’s support, clients are able to deepen their insight on how to lead complex challenges, often by reframing and then develop personalized strategies that align with their natural strengths. She also supports the development of high-performance mindsets, particularly as clients transition to greater levels responsibility. Marion has a passion for Complexity Theory and she loves to share practical tools that support leaders in the midst of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity).
Marion works extensively in the Canadian health care sector as well as for-profit organizations and Children’s’ Aid Societies. Her clients include leaders at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Southlake Regional Health Centre, Markham Stouffville Hospital, Healthcare Materials Management Services, Humber River Hospital, Mackenzie Health Centre, Health PEI, Toronto Innovation Acceleration Partners, VersaPay, Simcoe Muskoka Children’s Aid Society and Highland Shores Children’s’ Aid Society to name a few. Since 2011, Marion has provided individual and peer coaching services to both the Schulich Executive Education Centre in programs designed for Canadian physicians and health care leaders that has recently become LEADS certified (
Marion has a BAS Hons Marketing degree and is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation. She has completed a Masters Certificate in Organization Development with the Canadian Organization Development Institute (CODI) and she holds a Myers-Briggs certification.