New Schulich ExecEd program wins international e-learning award
Posted on October 02, 2018
A new program offered by the Schulich ExecEd has been recognized as best in class by the International E-Learning Association (IELA). Achieving Integrated Marketing & Sales Plans-Enhanced, a two-day blended learning program with online components, was named the winner of the Blended Learning category at the 2018 academic division awards in September at the ICL Conference in Kos, Greece.
The program, designed by Ajay Sirsi, a marketing professor in the Schulich School of Business, and Schulich ExecEd instructional designer Garima Gupta, begins with two days in class that serve as an introduction to the material and an explanation of the enhanced features of the program that participants complete online over the following two weeks. Participants take part in a scheduled webinar session on the final day of the program to present their program project.
The program content allows participants to experience interactive, engaging e-learning modules and pre-recorded mini-lectures based on concepts that can be applied to their own projects throughout the program. The program also allows participants to engage in guided and free-form discussions with fellow participants and in live webinars with the instructor to take your learning further and deeper.
The IELA Awards are given each year for the best work in e-learning, mobile learning, and blended learning, in two divisions: Academic and Business/Industry. All submissions are evaluated by the IELA Awards Committee, who look for a variety of attributes. These include, among others, educational soundness and effectiveness, usability, and overall significance.
The International E-Learning Association (IELA), founded in 2007, is dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of e-learning in schools and universities, and in the workplace. With members hailing from every continent and from the realms of business, industry, government, and academia, the IELA is a vibrant and diverse community of e-learning professionals, researchers, and students.
Visit the program web page for more details, including a video by Ajay Sirsi describing the benefits of the course.