Who We Are
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About the Custom Team
- Highly skilled and experienced in-house learning professionals
- Over 400 professors, instructors, researchers and speakers
- 19 Centres of Excellence specialized in specific sectors and leadership skills
- Experience project coordinators who manage programs end-to-end
- Consistently deliver over 200+ learning programs every year
- Work with leading organizations in public and private sector
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Program Designers
- Collaborate with clients on design, development and delivery
- Conduct behavioural analyses to build programs that fit
- Partner with faculty to customize program content
- Manage programs from end-to-end
- Develop custom learning architectures
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Program Coordinators
- Take the burden off of clients by way of coordinating programs end-to-end
- Deliver program content right to a mobile device
- Support clients by being responsive and accessible
- Develop and implement project plans so programs run smoothly
- Pay close attention to details so clients don’t have to
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Digital Tools
- Leverage digital tools to make learning ubiquitous
- Provide learners with the convenience to access learning from anywhere
- Introduce new tools to make learning more efficient
- Use power business intelligence tools to provide data analytics
- Challenge learners to leverage the tools around them
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Featured Programs
Our clients challenge us to create the most intellectually stimulating and practical programs. Here’s what’s relevant today.
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What We Do
Using our behavioural analysis process, our team develops programs that transform behaviours.
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Success Stories
A team of program designers and learning architects who develop impactful programs that anchor to your organization’s strategy.
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