Amirali Nourbakhsh

People Leadership

Amirali Nourbakhsh has spent the past 20 years working either as a manager in a multinational setting, or as a coach, trainer and consultant to multinational corporations including Unilever, Siemens, Shell, Samsung, Danone, Henkel and Dale Carnegie.

Amirali has done research on neuroscience and has applied the discipline as a leader, leadership trainer and CEO of his company. As a certified coach, he has trained and coached mid- to senior-level managers to use brain knowledge to become more effective leaders and exemplify core values.

Amirali is well published on the following topics: legislation, regulations, domestic and foreign policy and money laundering. He has an MA in International Relations, Economics and Diplomacy from the School of Oriental & African Studies (University of London, UK) and an MA in Foreign Languages, Political Geography and Adult Education from the Justus Liebig Universitaet, Giessen, Germany.

Amirali Nourbakhsh
