Farès Chmait
General Management
Fares Chmait is an instructor for the Schulich School of Business, Executive Education Development, and York University. Career wise, since 1986, Fares has enabled a wide variety of companies to meet their business goals. Inspired and inspirational, he is not satisfied playing the mere roles of trainer, consultant and speaker. He is totally involved in the process of provoking change and positively influencing the destiny of his clients, by equipping them with effective and productive tools.
When Fares made the transition into teaching, he brought with him his all-world experience and has flourished greatly as an educator. He brings his very own unique approach to key elements in management: the human factor. His expertise in the study of the structure of the subjective experience of people will enable you to truly open your eyes on why people do what they do and don’t do what they need to do.