Louise Grummitt
People Leadership
Louise combines a love of learning and expertise in instructional design with exemplary management skills to provide exceptional service as a performance consultant, project manager and instructional designer. She has more than 30 years’ experience in instructional design and has worked closely with clients in financial services, retail, manufacturing, high technology, the non-profit sector and government. While she continues to design traditional classroom learning, her current focus is the design of e-learning and e-classroom programs.
Louise wrote the Canadian Society for Training and Development’s Competencies for Training and Development, which has been a top-10 business book for many of the past four years. She designed and facilitated the original Module 3 at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) 18 years ago, and has reworked the session over the years to meet the changing needs of participants and the industry. Louise is a managing partner with Benchmark Performance, a Toronto-based performance consulting and instructional design company. In addition to facilitating in the Masters Certificate in Adult Training and Development (MCATD) program, Louise is an adviser for the Practicum component of the MCATD program.