
People Leadership

May 17, 2024

The Rise of Emotional Intelligence in Modern Management

A New Paradigm in Leadership In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of today's corporate world,

May 15, 2024

Navigating the New Era: Leadership in a Rapidly Changing Workplace

Introduction: Unpacking the Transformation of the Workplace The contemporary workplace is undergoing a historic transformation.

February 23, 2023 critical thinking

Five Critical Thinking Skills I Used This Week with Stephen Friedman

When facing a difficult decision, learning how to make it can be more important than

January 17, 2023 New managers course

Just been promoted to manager? Learn the skills you’ll need to succeed in your new role

Being promoted to a manager’s position means you were good at what you do but

February 22, 2022

Cross-Silo Leadership – Taking Advantage of Both Horizontal And Vertical Networks for Collaboration

Though most mid-senior leaders recognize the importance of breaking down silos to help people collaborate

August 16, 2021

Program Provides a Comfortable Space to Discuss Issues Facing Women Leaders

Organizations with women leaders in senior management are more profitable and successful. Yet few organizations

June 23, 2021

Priority 1 for the Recovery: Your People

You can feel the pace quickening. Businesses are re-opening, companies are making plans for the

June 23, 2021

Here’s the secret ingredient missing in most business plans

Any entrepreneur, business leader or manager knows that creating a plan is not enough to

June 16, 2021

Prep your team to Build Back Better for the Post-Pandemic Recovery

The post-pandemic world will wait for no-one. This will be a time for leaders that

May 19, 2021

Emergence: Reclaiming Your Leadership & Team Strength During Disruptive Times

In a post-pandemic world, the ability to reimagine leadership will emerge as the single most

April 26, 2021

360 Degree Feedback is a Powerful Leadership Development Tool

A 360-degree process is a great tool for giving leaders clear feedback from their peers,

April 26, 2021

Now is a Time for Leaders

Inspiring leaders...inspire reflection, discovery, courage and humility though emotional intelligence The coronavirus's impact on society,