Program Provides a Comfortable Space to Discuss Issues Facing Women Leaders
Posted on August 16, 2021
Organizations with women leaders in senior management are more profitable and successful. Yet few organizations achieve the benefits associated with gender equity.
Drawing from research and best practices, as well as stories from successful women, Leadership for Women: Practical Strategies for Success helps participants identify the obstacles in their own workplace and increase their knowledge, skills and understanding of what it takes to be successful as a women leader. The result will benefit not only women, but all leaders and organizational stakeholders.
Recent participants, who took the program in Schulich ExecEd’s virtual classroom, were looking to advance their careers and found both the inspiration and support they were looking for. (The program provides a) comfortable and safe space to discuss issues we face as women in the workplace,” said one participant.
“Meeting other women – presenters, facilitators and participants. It was inspiring to hear so many women speak of their different journeys,” said one participant. “A wonderful mix from both facilitators of theory and practical examples. Super engaging and relevant,” said another.
Listening to these comments, you might think they came from an in-class session where participants can meet and discuss shared issues, despite pandemic restrictions but the experience was all online due to the restrictions of pandemic. Reaction to Schulich ExecEd’s virtual classroom training has been consistently positive.
“It was easy to join (online) and allowed me to continue working in the afternoon,” said one participant. Another reported that she was “incredibly” pleased with the virtual classroom experience and has “already recommended this to my fellow peers”.
When asked what they enjoyed most about the program, one attendee replied “female empowerment, women’s leadership, relating to other women and their stories, listening to success stories.” Another participant commented on how relevant the program was to her at this time in her career. “Personally, this program was very well timed with my personal life stage. It was an excellent reminder to me as to how I can be a better leader and coach as I’m about to start a new chapter with a new organization. It also gave me some pause and reflection as to how I can use some of these skills and teaching to be a better Mom and Partner.”
Participants in Schulich ExecEd programs not only find them informative but directly applicable to their work. This response from one of the women in the program reflects the almost universal experience regularly reported in program surveys. “I have learned a great deal from this course, and what was most surprising was the ah-ha moments this program provided me. I am looking forward to applying the lessons taught and practical examples from this program in my daily life – both personal and professional.”
Leadership for Women: Practical Strategies for Success (starting Sept. 29, 2021) is a three-day program delivered in six half-day sessions and includes guest speakers who will share stories, experiences, and perspectives, including successful women at the CEO and C-suite level, and a male executive sponsor of women leaders plus sponsored female. For more information and to register, visit the program web page.