

July 07, 2020

Here’s Your Path to a Masters Certificate in Lean Six Sigma – Black Belt

With the redesign of Schulich ExecEd’s popular Masters Certificate in Lean Six Sigma – Black

July 07, 2020

Harnessing Analytics and AI to Drive Success for Organizations

The Masters Certificate in Analytics for Leaders is a newly reconfigured Schulich ExecEd program that

June 10, 2020

A Masters Certificate Can Bridge to the Future

The current pandemic has made remote work, telecommuting and health protocols the norm in these

May 20, 2020

Deloitte Finds That Organizations Must Upskill in AI and Partners with Schulich ExecEd to Deliver

Organizations in every sector are struggling to attract, recruit and retain people with the skills

May 19, 2020 lean six sigma courses

Michael Ewing on Schulich ExecEd’s new Lean Six Sigma Learning Path program

In response to participants looking for more choices in Lean Six Sigma training, Schulich ExecEd

April 29, 2020

Negotiating in the virtual realm

The use of digital channels for business negotiations is not a new practice in today’s

April 14, 2020

Schulich/Schulich ExecEd faculty helping to track the global spread of COVID-19

People experience the current pandemic on a local and personal level, but to best understand

April 07, 2020

Now is the time to build a bridge to your future with executive education

Challenges lie ahead, there is no doubt. The fallout from the global pandemic will be

April 07, 2020

Tips for making the transition to online learning

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all aspects of society and the economy. Education and

March 25, 2020

Learn online while you stay at home

Schulich ExecEd has made adjustments to its schedule of programs during the COVID-19 health emergency.

January 20, 2020

A good business case needs a good story – and the data to back it up

Whether you’re a manager seeking additional funds for your annual budget or a director requiring

January 08, 2020 AI Fintech

AI Chatbots are Transforming Financial Services

Advanced technology in chatbots and artificial intelligence lets banks and financial institutions align themselves with